The following are description of the roles and responsibilities for members of the Manotick Curling Centre (aka Club) Board of Director. Note that certain Board positions are also Officers of the Corporation and have financial signing authority as described by the Manotick Curling Centre Bylaws.
These roles and responsibilities can be modified from time to time as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.
Chair (Automatically an Officer of the Corporation)
- The chair of the Board,
- Will preside at the Annual and Special Meetings of the Corporation and at meetings of the Board unless otherwise designated,
- The official spokesperson of the Corporation
- As an officer of the Corporation provide one (1) of two (2) necessary signing authority for the corporation
- Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
Vice-Chair (Automatically an Officer of the Corporation)
- In the absence or disability of the Chair, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chair
- Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
Treasurer (Automatically an Officer of the Corporation)
- Subject to the powers and duties of the Board, keep proper accounting records as required by the Act
- Cause to be deposited all monies received by the Corporation in the Corporation’s bank account
- Supervise the management and the disbursement of funds of the Corporation
- Provide the Board with an account of financial transactions and the financial position of the Corporation
- Prepare annual budgets
- As an officer of the Corporation provide one (1) of two (2) necessary signing authority for the corporation
- Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
Secretary (Automatically an Officer of the Corporation)
- Responsible for the documentation of all amendments to the Corporation’s By-laws
- Ensure that all official documents and records of the Corporation are properly kept, cause to be recorded the minutes of all meetings
- Prepare and submit to each Meeting of the Members and other meetings a report of all activities since the previous Meeting of the Members or other meetings
- Give due notice to all Members of the Meeting of the Members of the Corporation
- As an officer of the Corporation provide one (1) of two (2) necessary signing authority for the corporation
- Will perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
Director of Membership
- Manages the registration process
- Propose annual membership fee
- Produces the membership directory and keeps contact information for members up-to-date
- Recommend changes to league schedules or makeup
Director of Special Events
- Has overall responsibility for bonspiels and other special events in the Club
- Identifies the calendar of social events (spiels…) and organizes volunteers to plan and run events
- Provides summary reports to the Board on the finances and activities of each event
Director of Bar Operations
The general duties of the Director of Bar Operations are as follows:
- Overseeing the overall operation of the bar including the state of the facility and equipment.
- Overseeing the staffing and associated responsibilities including tracking hours, tips, processing bi-weekly payroll and ensuring all staff are Smart Serve certified.
- Ensuring a positive membership experience with respect to food and beverage services provided by the bar.
Specific Duties of the Director of Bar Operations are as follows:
- Overseeing the bar and bartenders to ensure that members are provided with an excellent food and beverage experience and that the Club facility is maintained in a clean and neat manner.
- Paying expenses incurred for the purpose of operation of the bar, including but not limited to payment for the purchase of inventory. Payments may be made by MCC cheques (in conjunction with the Treasurer) or by personal credit/debit card with an expense report submitted for reimbursement.
- Performing weekly inventory counts to ensure product inventory is adequate to meet the demand by members.
- Reviewing product cost on at least an annual basis and adjusting pricing as needed to ensure that cost margins are within acceptable limits.
- Ensuring the Bar Sales System software (SQUARE) is maintained and interfacing with the SQUARE support team to resolve issues as required.
- Preparing and submitting to the Treasurer a weekly sales report of the bar, bi-weekly payroll forms, in form and content as required by the Treasurer.
- Being responsible, in an administrative context only, for the Curling Center’s liquor licence, and for arranging special events licences, as required.
- Ensuring that the Bar is staffed appropriately for regular league play and for spiels, special events and rentals as required.
- Attending meetings of the Board of Directors and reporting from time to time to the Board on the operations of the Bar.
- In conjunction with the Bar Manager maintaining a level of food and beverage stock in inventory and in the bar itself appropriate for activities taking place at the Curling Center, including:
- Purchasing and/or Ordering food and beverage stock from time to time as required.
- Ensuring the proper storage of food and beverage stock as required.
- Ensuring that the bar area, and in particular the coolers and the liquor inventory, is consistently stocked with appropriate levels of food and beverages.
- Ensuring that food and beverage storage areas in the Curling Center are maintained in an orderly, safe and clean manner.
- Ensuring that the bar area in the Curling Center is maintained in an orderly, safe and clean manner, bringing deficiencies in that respect to the attention of the responsible contractor, and reporting any continuing difficulties in this respect to the Director of Facilities.
- Managing the club’s coffee fund by collecting the monies from leagues, ordering and purchasing coffee, sugar, milk, cream and stir sticks.
- Co-ordinating a count of inventory, proper storage of glassware, and overall cleaning of the bar area at the conclusion of the curling season. A final tally of inventory value to be reported to the Treasurer.
Director of Communications
- Keeps the Club membership informed, by appropriate means, of Board activities, Club events, and other matters of interest to Club Members
- Delivers appropriate communications to the community regarding curling awareness and Club activities
- Has overall responsibility for the Club’s social media presence
Director of Facilities
- Has overall responsibility for the physical facilities of the Club including maintaining a maintenance/replacement plan
- Manages contracts for ice-making and maintenance
- Maintains the Club calendar
- Manages Club rental contracts
Director of Curling Operations
- Chairs a Committee of League Convenors to oversee the smooth operation of the various Club leagues
- Maintains the rules for play, sparing, prizes, etc of all leagues
- Works with League Convenors, coaches, and player representatives to initiate and maintain programs for curling development including the introduction of new leagues and the re-alignment of leagues for optimum benefit of the Club
- Recommend changes to league schedules or makeup