The following are description of the roles and responsibilities for members of the Manotick Curling Centre (MCC) including Board of Directors and other key club positions. Note that certain Board positions are also Officers of the Corporation and have financial signing authority as described by the MCC Bylaws.
These roles and responsibilities can be modified from time to time as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.
Chair (Board member and automatically an Officer of the Corporation)
- The chair of the Board,
- Will preside at the Annual and Special Meetings of the Corporation and at meetings of the Board unless otherwise designated,
- The official spokesperson of the Corporation
- As an officer of the Corporation provide one (1) of two (2) necessary signing authority for the corporation
- Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
Vice-Chair (Board member and automatically an Officer of the Corporation)
- In the absence or disability of the Chair, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chair
- Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
Treasurer (Board member and automatically an Officer of the Corporation)
- Subject to the powers and duties of the Board, keep proper accounting records as required by the Act
- Cause to be deposited all monies received by the Corporation in the Corporation’s bank account
- Supervise the management and the disbursement of funds of the Corporation
- Provide the Board with an account of financial transactions and the financial position of the Corporation
- Prepare annual budgets
- As an officer of the Corporation provide one (1) of two (2) necessary signing authority for the corporation
- Perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
Secretary (Board member and automatically an Officer of the Corporation)
- Responsible for the documentation of all amendments to the Corporation’s By-laws
- Ensure that all official documents and records of the Corporation are properly kept, cause to be recorded the minutes of all meetings
- Prepare and submit to each Meeting of the Members and other meetings a report of all activities since the previous Meeting of the Members or other meetings
- Give due notice to all Members of the Meeting of the Members of the Corporation
- As an officer of the Corporation provide one (1) of two (2) necessary signing authority for the corporation
- Will perform such other duties as may from time to time be established by the Board.
Director of Membership (Board member)
- Manages the registration process
- Propose annual membership fee
- Produces the membership directory and keeps contact information for members up-to-date
- Recommend changes to league schedules or makeup
Director of Special Events (Board member)
- Has overall responsibility for bonspiels and other special events in the Club
- Identifies the calendar of social events (spiels…) and organizes volunteers to plan and run events
- Provides summary reports to the Board on the finances and activities of each event
Director of Bar Operations (Board member)
- Be Smart Serve certified, computer literate, have a PC and printer
- Prime Board Interface for the Bar Manager
- Profit and Loss accountability of the Bar on behalf of the Board
- Determine what POS and Payroll system the club should use and be the main point of contact. Currently we use SQUARE (point of sales) and Payworks (payroll) on behalf of the club.
- Ensure liquor, kitchen and entertainment licenses are up to date
- Attend Board of Director (BoD) meetings as required to report on the Bar operations status
- Bartenders and Bar Director compensation rates (with Board approval)
- Approval of Bar Manager bi-weekly payroll forms and detailed expense reports for product purchases
- Issue annual tax forms to Bar Manager and Bartenders (using Payworks)
- Approve Bartender hiring by the Bar Manager
- Prime interface for any member questions related to Bar operations.
- Product Pricing (with Board approval)
- Run the annual ‘Win Your Registration’ draw at the beginning of the season
- Run the 50/50 draw weekly. Create the 50/50 spreadsheets for weeks 1-25 from the membership director list. Send notice to the winner and post winners name on the tables. Maintain the pill bottles in the tumbler.
- Be aware of and provide the Bar Manager with a list of all leagues and events requiring bar service: e.g. all evening leagues, some morning leagues, some afternoon leagues, club Spiels, invitational spiels (LCA, Karol Bilyj…)
- Be Smart Serve Certified, familiar with excel and Microsoft word, have a computer with printer, have a company credit card (optional) to pay for license fee renewals
- Maintain a list of beer company representatives for the Bar Manager and approach Draft and Bar companies for advertising opportunities or prize donations as needed by the Entertainment Director.
Bar Manager (NOT a Board member, reporting to the Bar Director)
- Be Smart Serve certified, computer literate, have a PC and printer, have a valid drivers license and a vehicle large enough to carry bar supplies
- Requires use of a Personal Credit Card for liquor purchases
- Must have a Costco membership card
Responsibilities Overview
- Provide the Bar Director and Treasurer with weekly bar sales summary spreadsheets (see details in Weekly/Biweekly activities below) including: bi-weekly payroll forms and detailed expense reports for reimbursement of product purchases on behalf of the club.
- Bartender hiring, scheduling and payroll including providing pay stubs
- Manage Bar product inventory including ordering, purchasing, new products and discontinued products
- Meeting with various beer and wine representatives to determine viability of carrying their products
- Meet Capital Draft Services for draught lines and taps regular scheduled cleaning
- Update spreadsheets for: bar and other sales (see below for details), bartender hours and tips
Daily Activities
- Retrieve the sales reports from Square website and post sales by category (Visa, Mastercard, Debit, American Express, Tips, Fees, Total Gross sales) on a spreadsheet.
- Record any non-bar sales: curling equipment, 50/50 draw purchases by members, guest fees, spiel payments on the same or another spreadsheet.
- Record individual bartender hours and associated tips on a separate spreadsheet.
- Check inventory and empties in storage lockup and note shortages for new ordering.
Weekly Activity
- On Thursday or Friday, place draught and beer order to ‘BeerforBusiness’ for next Tuesday delivery.
- On Sunday update the bar inventory on a spreadsheet identifying current inventory and identify consumed inventory
- Purchase bar inventory as required from LCBO, Costco, various grocery stores. Bring purchased products to club and store in lock up at club.
- Place other bar inventory orders as required with representatives: currently Calabogie, Pelee Wines, VIMY Brewing Co, Perth Brewery, Amsterdam Brewery, Whitewater Brewery, Dominion City and Denvil Distribution for delivery to club. Store in lock up once delivered.
- Record expenses and submit to Bar Director and Treasurer for approval and reimbursement. (Note – all above purchased are currently paid by personal credit card so that any loyalty points can be accrued to the Bar Manager. If this is not ok, we can provide cheques for those that accept them)
- Collect dish cloths and dish towels from the laundry bin for washing. Return to club once cleaned.
- Email Bar Director Treasurer a Sales Summaries Report for the week.
Bi-Weekly Activity
- Process bartender payroll (hours and tips) with Payworks.
- Record associated payroll reports and provide Bar Director and Treasurer with the payroll report.
- Print individual bartender’s pay stub, place in envelope and deliver to bartender at club.
- Collect and bring empty beer, wine bottles and beer cans to the Beer Store for cash and maintain a record of cash collected.
Other Activities
- Schedule bartenders for spiels and rentals as identified by the Bar Director.
- Order replacement gas cylinder for draughts as required
- Meet with various representatives as needed
- Start of season – clean and prepare bar for season including unpacking the glasses and placing on shelf. Contact Payworks to begin payroll. Set up SQUARE tablet and Point of Sale (POS) terminal.
- End of season – process final inventory and sell off bar products as required. Pack and store glasses in storage lock up. Suspend Payroll with Payworks. Store SQUARE tablet and POS terminal.
Director of Communications (Board member)
- Keeps the Club membership informed, by appropriate means, of Board activities, Club events, and other matters of interest to Club Members
- Delivers appropriate communications to the community regarding curling awareness and Club activities
- Has overall responsibility for the Club’s social media presence
Director of Facilities (Board member)
- Has overall responsibility for the physical facilities of the Club including maintaining a maintenance/replacement plan
- Manages contracts for ice-making and maintenance
- Maintains the Club calendar
- Manages Club rental contracts
Director of Curling Operations (Board member)
- Chairs a Committee of League Convenors to oversee the smooth operation of the various Club leagues
- Maintains the rules for play, sparing, prizes, etc of all leagues
- Works with League Convenors, coaches, and player representatives to initiate and maintain programs for curling development including the introduction of new leagues and the re-alignment of leagues for optimum benefit of the Club
- Recommend changes to league schedules or makeup