Privacy Policy



(Introduced 2004 in accordance with PIPEDA, amended 2007, amended 2009)


The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada) or PIPEDA requires organizations to comply with new privacy legislation. Your privacy is important to the Manotick Curling Center. We are committed to meeting the privacy standards applicable to every member, customer or contractor. You deserve to be treated fairly and with respect in all your interactions with MCC and this includes protecting the privacy, accuracy and security of the personal information you have provided.

The purpose of this policy is to tell you what personal information we collect about you, how we use it, whether we disclose it to anyone else, how you can request certain personal information not be released and how you can request access to your personal information. Our intent is to balance the efficient and diligent operation of our club against your reasonable expectations of privacy.

The Privacy Information Officer for the MCC will be the Secretary of the Board of Directors. All questions or concerns about the Privacy Policy should be directed to this person in writing. This policy will be posted in the Club and be on the Web site.

Purpose of Collection and Use of Information: We require your personal information to establish and provide the highest quality administration and delivery of the club’s programs that we can. We only collect personal information from and about you that we consider necessary for achieving this purpose and to permit us to appropriately conduct the business of the Curling Center. Your information will also be used to enable us to contact you whenever necessary to ensure your awareness of club activities, policies or services provided. We may use personal information about you, in a non-personally identifiable manner, to improve our promotional efforts, analyze memberships, improve our services, and to customize our Web site’s content, layout and services. These uses are to enable us to improve the operation of the Center and to better meet your needs.

Members' name, phone number, address and e-mail address are required for general business use and communication by mail.  As such they are published in the annual Membership Directory, which is accessible via a password from the web site.  Each league coordinator required this information and may publish the same information for use by members within their respective league.  Furthermore, we may retain the names of all club members in each year for historical purposes.  MCC posts the names and in some cases photographs of members inside the curling club and from time to time may also post these on the web site and in external publications.

Youth Members: Parents’ names, emergency contacts, age and relative medical information are required in addition to basic member information described above. All of this information is required for the safety and well-being of the youth members. It will be retained by the Chair of the Youth Curling Committee and may be provided to any coach accompanying junior members to outside events. The date of birth may be required for events related to the Ottawa Valley Curling Association, the Ontario Curling Association and/or the Canadian Curling Association.

Private Party Customers & Rental Leagues: The individual(s) responsible for organizing the event or league must provide their name, address, phone number and e-mail address to the Facilities Director. We do not collect personal information of individual members of rental leagues except and unless they are participating in club events open to both members and rental leagues, in which case the information will be collected and used only to permit the individual to participate in the specific event and will not be used for any other purpose.

Contractors are required to provide their name, address, phone number, e-mail address (and at times business references) to the Facilities Director in order to conduct general business and to meet any legal obligations. Files may be maintained indefinitely.

On-Line Privacy Concerns: Organizers of events and leagues, and Board or committee members may have their personal information on the MCC Web site in addition to the password-protected on-line members’ directory. League schedules, if posted, will refer to team number only, to limit information to the general public.

Disclosure of Personal InformationMCC will not share your personal information with third parties except for such local, provincial and national curling associations of which MCC is a member. We may also disclose your personal information where we are required or permitted to do so by law. If you choose to disclose your personal information to other parties, you are subject to the privacy policies of such third parties.

Access, Review, Change and Destruction of Your Personal Informationcan be done by submitting a written request to do so to our Privacy Information Officer. We ask that you promptly advise us of any changes to your information. If requested by you, we will destroy as soon as reasonably possible any and all personal information that we have in our files about you, except for information required to enable us to collect any unpaid account and/or as may be required by law.

Withholding Consent: Members may request, in writing or by e-mail that their personal information not be published or disclosed beyond the minimum which would be required to enable the member to participate fully in the club. This includes, for example, the right to opt out of having any part of your information published in the Membership Directory, or for having your name and photo published for awards achieved.

Protecting Your PrivacyThe personal information that is retained by us is kept in a secure environment, and we use reasonable procedural and technical safeguards to protect this information against loss, theft and unauthorized access or disclosure. While we employ many different security techniques to protect such data from unauthorized access by users inside and outside the club, we cannot insure perfect security, particularly in relation to the Web site.

Children’s Photos: Throughout the Curling year, coaches and parents may take photos and video of youth participating in Curling activities. These photos are typically kept in group photo albums and displayed on our web site. Some are also submitted to local newspapers and to Manotick Curling Club Communications where they are often used in Club publications. Unless otherwise stated, the club may use images of yourself and/or your child/ward as indicated herein.

Amendments to This PolicyWe may amend this Privacy Policy at any time and any such amendments must be approved by the Board of Directors of MCC. All amended terms shall automatically be effective upon receipt by the member of such changes or on the date of posting to the Web site.

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5519 South River Drive
Manotick, Ontario
K4M 1J3

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Phone: 613-692-1489

Email: Click Here 



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