Sparing Policy

Manotick Curling Center

Guest and Sparing Policy

Updated August 13, 2024

Members can sign up as a spare during the registration process. A link is provided on the final page of the process or under members home (once logged in) entitled “my sparing availability” which once selected redirects the member to a site where preferences for positions and leagues to spare in can be
completed. Teams requiring a spare should contact those on the spare lists for that league, which will include those with sparing memberships or those members on byes that week in order to fill a need as early as possible to ensure a spare can be confirmed.


  1. Guest Policy

Any person who is not a member of the Manotick Curling Club must sign a Waiver before playing in any of our leagues. Waivers can be found in the blue file folder marked “informed consent", located in the tower on the table next to the display case. The form should be handed in to the bar or to the league convenor. Completed and collected waivers should be forwarded to the Membership Director (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).   It only needs to be submitted once per season.

If the guest is younger than 26 years, they must also complete the Rowan’s Law waiver and submit those as per above. Guests under 18 years old must also obtain and submit parental or guardian consent. Rowan’s Law waivers and Consent waivers can also be found at the same physical location as the “informed consent” waivers as mentioned above.


  1. Spare Policy


  1. Fixed Leagues Spare
    1. A spare is defined as anyone who replaces a regular player in the fixed leagues. There is no fee for sparing if the spare is a member of the Manotick Curling Club. Otherwise a spare must sign the consent form and pay the non-member fee. The fee for a guest is $25 per game and paid at the bar. A guest is limited to sparing 4x times maximum over the course of a season. Alternatively, the guest can contact the Membership director to obtain a
      “sparing membership”, which allows sparing in all leagues for the full season. Members registered for learn to curl are permitted to spare during the 8 week term of the program.
  2. Show and Play League Spare
    1. Anyone who participates in a show-and-play league is a guest if they are not a registered member of that league. The 2 show-and-play leagues are the Tuesday and Thursday morning leagues. It should be emphasized that the term "guest" applies to Manotick members as well as non-members. The guest fee is $25 per game and paid at the bar (or to the league convener). As described above all applicable waivers for non-members must be
      signed in advance and submitted to the convenor.
  1. General Rules
    • There can be a maximum of 2 spares per team. There must be 2 current team members playing otherwise the team defaults.
    • Members can spare as much as they want if they are a paid member but can only spare a maximum of 3 times for any given team each session (1st session Oct-Jan 15th, 2nd session Jan 16th- end of season). After this point they may be considered a 5’th or alternate. See 3e. for rules on 5’th alternate members. We have a specific sparing membership category which is unlimited with respect to playing for an established team. With a sparing membership you do not have unlimited sparing for a single team in a fixed league unless you also commit to being a 5th for that team. Doing so doesn't prevent them from sparing for another team but they are constrained to a maximum of 3 games for other teams across multiple leagues. The exception to this is for major injuries or long term (4 weeks and above) absences, where spares for the injured person will need to discuss their specific situation with the Membership Director.
    • Spares can play any position (lead, second, vice or skip). Spares must play the position they are replacing or lower. For example if you are replacing a second you can play second or lead. An exclusion to this would be teams with an alternate or 5th, see 3e. Convenors may have specific rules for their leagues with respect to the pool of spares to draw from.
    • Teams wishing to register a permanent 5th “alternate” member, must contact the Membership Director directly to coordinate.
    • Rules/Fees for nominating a 5’th alternate member are as follows:
      1. If already a member of the club then the 5’th will be required to register as a 5’th for that team in that league only. You may NOT be a 5’th with unlimited sparing privileges for multiple teams across multiple leagues.
      2. If a guest or new member to the club applies to be a 5’th they will be required to pay the full sparing membership fee.
  2. Disputes

All disputes regarding the application of these policies should be communicated to the league convenor and the membership director of the board for review and appropriate resolutions.


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5519 South River Drive
Manotick, Ontario
K4M 1J3

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