The Manotick Curling Center was incorporated in 1965, and was converted to not-for-profit status in 1978. Its general operation is governed by a comprehensive Operating By-Law. In 2004 the Center created a Privacy Policy as required by PIPEDA.
A 10 member volunteer Board of Directors is responsible for day-to-day operations at the Manotick Curling Center.
The Manotick Curling Center depends to a great extent on the involvement of its members in volunteer activities. The volunteer program is run through a network of committees responsible for every aspect of running the Center, with committees either chaired by or reporting to a member of the Board of Directors.
Minutes of the board meetings are posted in the Members Home area of this website and a copy kept at the club. Note that minutes sometimes refer to documents which are not included on this website but which are held in a binder at the club.