Code of Conduct
1. The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to ensure a safe, positive, respectful environment with the Manotick Curling Centre (MCC) programs, activities and events, by making all individuals aware that there is an expectation of appropriate behaviour, consistent with the values of the MCC.
2. This policy is applicable to all individuals entering the Manotick Curling Centre including members, league representatives, volunteers, managers and administrators, members of the Executive Board, employees, contract personnel, parents of minor members, guests, and school representatives including teachers and coaches.
3. All individuals have a responsibility to abide by the stipulations, listed below, through their actions, words, activities and communications, both verbal and written.
4. This policy also applies to conduct that may occur outside of the club when such conduct is detrimental to the image and reputation of the Manotick Curling Centre.
5. The Manotick Curling Centre feels that a positive curling experience is of paramount purpose and that competitive aspects of the sport cannot override this experience.
A Code of Conduct policy statement, shown in Appendix A, will be posted in the club. Members will be made aware of the existence of the Code of Conduct as part of membership registration. Club hosted bonspiel organizers will make participants aware of the existence of the Code of Conduct in the sign-up process. The Code of Conduct will be posted on the MCC website in a prominent location.
All individuals have a responsibility to abide by the following stipulations through their actions, words, activities and communications, both verbal and written. This refers to actions that may be intentional or not and to activities that one ought reasonably to know to be offensive or unwelcome.
a) Maintain and enhance the dignity and self-esteem of all club members and other individuals by:
- Demonstrating respect to individuals regardless of body type, physical characteristics, athletic ability, gender, gender identity, ancestry, colour, ethnic or racial origin, nationality, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion or disability.
- Focusing comments or criticism appropriately by avoiding confrontational behaviour
- Consistently demonstrating the spirit of sportsmanship, sports leadership and ethical conduct
- Acting, when appropriate, to prevent or correct practices that are unjustly discriminatory
- Consistently treating individuals fairly and reasonably
- Ensuring the rules of curling and the spirit of such rules are adhered to
b) Refrain from any behaviour that constitutes harassment, where harassment is defined as comment or conduct directed towards an individual or group, which is offensive, abusive, racist, sexist, degrading or malicious. Types of behaviour that constitute harassment include, but are not limited to:
- Written or verbal abuse, threats or outbursts or bullying
- Confrontational behaviour
- Physical assault
- Retaliation or threats of retaliation against an individual who reports harassment
c) Refrain from any behaviour that constitutes sexual harassment where sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual comments and sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or conduct of a sexual nature. Types of behaviour that constitute sexual harassment include, but not limited to:
- Sexually degrading words used to describe a person
- Unwelcome touching, sexual flirtations, advances or propositions
- Sexual assault
d) Refrain from the use of power or authority in an attempt to coerce another person to engage in inappropriate activities
e) Take reasonable steps to manage the responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages in social situations associated with club events
f) Respect the property of others and not willfully cause damage
g) Not retaliate or escalate any alleged violation of the Code of Conduct, or reprisal against an individual who has reported a violation
h) Immediately leave MCC if requested by, Bonspiel official, Board Member, Convenor or other person of designated authority
i) Intervene, as appropriate, to deescalate a situation reporting the incident quickly to a Board member, bonspiel official or other person of designated authority.
Complaints Procedure
Any member of the club or individual associated with the Manotick Curling Centre who feels they have been harassed or discriminated against is encouraged, if comfortable, to first make a direct request to the alleged perpetrator to stop the offensive behaviour. If the offending actions persist, or the individual is not comfortable with approaching the alleged perpetrator, the individual is encouraged to quickly bring the matter to a league representative or to any member of the Board for possible intervention and resolution. Failing that the individual needs to lodge a written complaint to the President in order to initiate an investigation. The complaint will be investigated in such a way to maintain the dignity and respect of all individuals involved and to bring the matter to a fair and acceptable resolution. The President can recommend to the Board for approval, immediate interim disciplinary and/or remedial action be taken as the situation is warranted pending the outcome of the investigation. A Committee comprised of three Board members, will be set up by the Board to receive the original complaint and all supporting documents. The Committee will consult with both parties with respect to:
a) date, time and duration of the hearing;
b) names of any witnesses to be called; and
c) the documents which are to be submitted.
d) The panel will make every effort to convene a hearing within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the request.
Either party may be accompanied by an advisor, at their own cost. In the event that one party does not appear at the meeting despite reasonable notice, the Committee may proceed with the hearing in their absence. Upon completion of the hearing, the Committee will provide its findings to the parties in writing within thirty (30) days. If the Committee finds that the suspect’s conduct has fallen within the definition of personal or sexual harassment, discrimination or bullying, it will recommend to the President of the Board, for Board approval, that disciplinary and/or remedial action be taken. Those actions may include a reprimand, suspension, demotion, dismissal, expulsion, or such actions as may be deemed appropriate.
Sanctions may include, but are not limited to:
a) A recommendation that a person’s membership be revoked with or without financial reimbursement.
b) Temporary or permanent suspension from employment with the MCC, or from participation in some or all of the activities over which MCC has jurisdiction.
c) The imposition of temporary or permanent conditions for continued membership or employment with MCC, or participation in activities as the Board may view as appropriate in the circumstances.
d) The issuance of a warning and/or reprimand.
Risk Assessment
On a yearly basis the MCC Board will conduct a risk assessment to determine the effectiveness of the Code of Conduct, making changes as risks are identified.
Record Keeping
The Chair of the Committee shall keep a secure record of every incident.
To the extent possible, reports, complaints, witness statements and other documents produced under these guidelines shall be held in safekeeping in the Club. Information provided about a complaint will not be disclosed except as necessary to protect individuals, to investigate the complaint and to take corrective action.
Appendix A
The Manotick Curling Centre is committed to ensure a safe, positive and respectful environment with the Manotick Curling Centre’s (MCC) programs, activities and events, by making all individuals aware that there is an expectation of appropriate behaviour, consistent with the values of the MCC.
This Code of Conduct is applicable to all individuals entering the Manotick Curling Centre including members, league representatives, volunteers, managers and administrators, members of the Executive Board, employees, contract personnel, parents of minor members, guests, and school representatives including teachers and coaches.
All individuals have a responsibility to abide by the following stipulations through their actions, words, activities and communications, both verbal and written.
a) Maintain and enhance the dignity and self-esteem of all individuals,
b) Refrain from any behaviour that constitutes harassment or bullying and confrontational behaviour,
c) Refrain from any behaviour that constitutes sexual harassment,
d) Refrain from the use of power or authority in an attempt to coerce another person to engage in inappropriate activities,
e) Take reasonable steps to manage the responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages,
f) Respect the property of others and not willfully cause damage,
g) Not retaliate or escalate any alleged violation of the Code of Conduct,
h) Immediately leave MCC if requested by a Bonspiel official, Board Member, Convenor or other person of designated authority,
i) Intervene, as appropriate, to deescalate a situation reporting the incident quickly to a Board member or designated official.
The Board will investigate and deal with all complaints in a fair, respectful and timely manner. Information provided about a complaint will not be disclosed except as necessary to protect individuals, to investigate the complaint and to take corrective action.